Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh Chai! (CD15) (& fert report)

I'm feeling a bit better than yesterday. I felt considerably worse as the day wore on yesterday, which I suppose is normal as your body starts to realize that it's lady bits have been assaulted by a needle and vacuum probe. I slept horribly. I am definitely a stomach sleeper- something I attempted at 3am but was incredibly unsuccessful at. Or rather, it was highly successful as long as I didn't need to breathe, which lasted for all of 15 seconds. Sleep Fail. 

Doing better today. I don't feel like I need to hold my stomach to my body as I walk anymore. I swear, I felt like if I didn't physically push my stomach towards my body, it would fall off. It's like I had absolutely no control over my abdominal cavity. Which is also probably why I'm super sore in my ribcage just under my boobs, as I think I'm using those muscles to sit and stand more than I clearly ever did in the past. Oh, and Medrol? It gives me a case of the nausea. Real bad.

Enough bitching though.

Fertilization report is in!!! 

Of the 36 eggs retrieved, 22 were mature.

Of the 22 mature eggs, 18 fertilized.

18 fertilized eggs. I know this is an absolutely effing fabulous number of embies to start off with. <insert ungrateful remarks here> It's just a little hard when you see that it's literally 50% of where we started yesterday. <end ungratefulness> But I'm not going to look a gift embie in the mouth, I'm going to focus on the 18. Not the 36. The wonderful, positively great, worked extremely hard for 18.

Also? 18 is a very lucky number in the Jewish faith. It represents life. The symbol for it, Chai (pronounced "hi" with the weird throaty ch sound) it pictured above. It's a popular charm to wear and have around, even the phrase "L 'Chaim!" means "to life"! It's GOT to be a sign, right? Right?

So for now, I will proclaim L'chaim! as I take my PIO. And keep hoping that some of these 18 embies end up as a part of our lives in a concrete way, not just little guys trying to grow in a dish. 


  1. Mazel tov! :) 18 is an incredible number. No one fertilizes all of them!

  2. 18 sounds like a great number to me!

  3. Fantastic! Now grow, embies, GROW!

  4. 18 is completely excellent! I completely know how you feel about being excited, yet wanting more/being ungrateful. I SOOOO have the problem. I blame blogging because I read about so many people and their experiences, which are different than mine. I just have to tell myself no two situations are alike and I can't keep comparing myself to others (not that thinking this actually stops me from being ungrateful). Anyway, congrats and don't beat yourself up if you feel a bit ungrateful. You're human, shit happens. :)

  5. Oh friend! 18 is so good! But like Annoyed Army Wife said, it's the human thing to see the negative side too. I'm pulling for you hardcore, and crossing my fingers till they go numb. : )

  6. I second you on the stomach holding- ouch! 18 is fantastic, I'm so happy for you. Do you hear again how they are doing/ growing or do you wait until transfer day?!?

  7. Oh yes! Awesome sign!!! GL!

  8. Yeah for the string of pearls delivering!

  9. If 18 is lucky, it must be a sign!!

  10. It can be so hard to hear the numbers go down dramatically, especially when they kept going up during stims. But 18 embies is AWESOME!! I hope you have plenty to choose from on Day 5!

  11. I know it's disappointing sometimes looking at the original retrieved number vs. mature vs. fertilized but know those little ones are fighters!! It seems getting boo coo's of eggs (while wonderful and exciting during stim and u/s's) doesn't always equate to the best quality. Also, it makes it harder when you are online and comparing stories to everyone else. But really....18 is AMAZING!!! hoping things keep going as well for you :)

  12. I think you did great! Congrats! I'm rooting for your little embies.

  13. 18 is my fave number, too...and I'm hoping it's your lucky one! B'hatzlacha!

  14. Good luck sweety. Keeping my fingers crossed that all make it and the ones implanted stick.

  15. I've always thought 18 was a lucky number. :)

    P.S. I've nominated you for a blog award. You're now one step closer to a Pulitzer!


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