Monday, September 5, 2011


I'll write more later, but it'll have to be when I'm done crying.

Didn't work. Got my period late this morning.

Had a feeling. Started testing Saturday when my boobs felt like literally cutting them off would feel better than leaving them attached, then the cramping started up. On and off, but more on than off. Then AF late this morning. Eff. Mother effing effer.

I'm still holding out hope for a few people out there this cycle- at the very least Ericka at This Hampton Life. She's be testing on Wednesday.

Thanks to everyone else out there waiting... and I'll be back when I can hold it together longer. Thanks for all the good wishes this cycle. I really, truly couldn't have made it this far without you guys. Really. You're my heroes :)


  1. So sorry hon. That sucks. :-( Sending you huge hugs!

  2. You are so sweet. Thank you. I am out this cycle too...just waiting on AF to show, but with a temp drop as big as mine, she's bound to be here soon. Thank you for your sweet comments. What is your plan for next cycle?

  3. I need your address. Email me at Thank! :)

  4. Thanks for your comment on my blog :) "Maam can I help you find something?" "Oh yes, can you point me in the direction of the on-sale va-jay jays?" LOL Also, so sorry about your recent BFN. :(

  5. Oh crap...sorry it turned out this way.

  6. Duuuude, I'm so sorry. It's always so frustrating... so SO frustrating, and immensely painful when a cycle ends like this. ARGH. *hugs*

  7. Hugs! That is just not fun. So frustrating and to have such physical pain as well? Kick in the face, I'm serious. Hang in there! xoxo

  8. Ahhhhhh why does shit like this happen to us!?!?! I just don't get it!!! Sending u a huuuuuuuge hug right now girlfriend. Sorry for ur BFN. We will get thru this and have our miracle one day.. Hang in there! Infertility will NOT win!

  9. :( so sorry to hear this news :( I was also in a 2ww at the same time as you and was hoping we would both be seeing BFP! I hope you are able to take some time and do something nice for yourself, you deserve it!

  10. I am so sorry. Thinking of you.

  11. Oh my...I'm so sorry (and so sorry to be so late in catching up with you). You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    *BIG HUGS!!!*


You know you want to tell me how ridiculous I am...