Saturday, June 2, 2012

Infertility Bitch

My Bestie N made me this. Sums it up perfectly!

She really is a big fatty bitchface.

In other exciting news, so is Aunt Flow. Apparently she is embarrassed by the fact that she only has 4mm to shed, so has been forcing uterine cramping since yesterday like it is going out of style. Hopefully, like I say every time, it indeed WILL be going out of style for the next 9-12 months, give or take. Hopefully.


  1. I love this and I love you. Stay away AF!!

  2. I love that picture! My husband I have been dealing with Infertility for 3 years (since we got married) only we got pregnant twice and both ended in miscarriage. IT sucks to be able to conceive but only twice in 3 years and have them end so quickly. I just started a blog myself.
    I hope we both get a BFP SOON!


You know you want to tell me how ridiculous I am...