Friday, May 16, 2014

Second Time Around

I'm just going to skip over the last two years and let you know I had a pretty easy pregnancy after the pleurisy from OHSS went away, and went on to have a very healthy baby boy who is wonderful. He's 15 months old now, and truly, truly is wonderful. We managed to breastfeed for a year, weaning to start the process of trying to make a little brother or sister. My period never came back, thanks PCOS, so off to the RE we went again. Six frosties remained from the retrieval that gave us the mini Meier.

I mostly want to get all this down so I can remember the details of our cycles. TTC again is such a mind fuck. It's slightly easier the second time around, but really, all the same emotions and fears and insecurities are still there. And just as strong. Anyone that says "Well, but at least you have the mini!" doesn't know how that almost makes it worse. We know how amazing this little person is, and how much love and light he brings into our life. We KNOW what we're missing now and what the hole in our lives looks like. It doesn't make us any less grateful and amazed and thankful for him, but damn, I want another. For us, for him. Sigh.

Here's what our calendar looked like this time around.
FET #3 Calendar
I also added in supplements up the wazoo this round to maximize my body's receptiveness.

Morning:   Synthroid
                  Estrace up the vag
Afternoon: Metformin 500mg
                  Vitamin D 1000 iu
                  Folic acid 400mg
                  Estrace up the hatch
Evening:   Metformin 500mg
                  Fish Oil
                  Prenatal Vitamin
                  Aspirin 81mg
                  Estrace up the hatch
                  Progesterone in Oil
                  2x weekly Estradiol Valerate injections

We transferred two hatching embryos on Thursday the 24th as planned, and did the pre- and post-transfer acupuncture. Very relaxing. Very positive. Felt wonderfully positive sharp cramping that night and the next day. These were day 6 embryos, so it netted me a first beta at 7dp6dt, though honestly I have this whole time considered them as if they were day 5 embies. Why give them an extra day of gestational credit when it took them an extra day to hit where they should have been at d5? So from here on out we'll pretend it was a 5dt.
Two hatching 2AA embies, one hatching more than the other
I also wore fancy phoenix socks. Embryos rising from the cryofreeze, no?


  1. Welcome back . . . to hell. Seriously though, glad your baby boy is doing well and best of luck with the next one(s)!

  2. Just rediscovered your blog. Figured you had completely abandoned. I'm so sorry that your first attempt at another ended how it did. We had the same experience. Successful FET but kinda iffy beta levels, then bam, miscarriage. It's so hard, and when people say how thankful you should be to have your first, it does hurt. Because having one baby doesn't lessen the desire to have a second. I am so happy that you have your healthy boy, and I wish you tons of luck and love as you continue on your journey to another!

    1. Thanks Lisa... good luck on the version!

      Check out my latest post. More of the same suckiness.


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